The Zewo workshop 2021 – learning how to measure impact

On September 9th, we participated in the Zewo Workshop 2021. The event took place in the Kultur Casino Bern, and focused on the theme “How NPOs change the world”.

With over 200 participants, the meeting enabled NPOs to learn how to make their impact visible to others and how to tackle impact measurement.

Questions covered during the workshop included:

  • Where do NPOs stand today in terms of impact?
  • How well are they meeting their impact expectations?
  • What progress has been made and what does still remain unresolved?

The event comprised multiple talks, as well as focus group discussions. You can find out more here. The next Zewo Workshop will take place September 2022, in Zürich.

Brief context: the Zewo Foundation sets standards for Swiss charities regarding ethics and integrity, corporate governance, efficient use of funds, results, true and fair accounting, transparency, accountability, as well as fundraising and communication. Zewo monitors charities against these standards, awarding the Zewo-seal to those who successfully meet and maintain them. Skat Foundation was awarded the Zewo-seal in 2019.