Sustainable access to clean drinking water in Tanzania


Description of the Project

Since 2012 the Southern Highlands Participatory Organizations (SHIPO) and Skat Foundation have been strengthening market-based mechanisms of service provision for water to households in rural areas of the Southern Highlands in Tanzania. This approach focuses on delivering services for improved access to water by strengthening local entrepreneurs and artisans in the construction and maintenance of rural water points. 

The Water Institute awarded the artisans that participated in the project with certificates, recognizing their expertise and allowing them to establish themselves in the market (© SHIPO, 2022)

Project Period: 2012 -2022

Thematic Focus:
  • Access to WASH
  • Entrepreneurial activities
  • Capacity building

Name of Staff involved and functions performed: Matthias Saladin, Project Coordinator

In 10 years, the programme has achieved the following results:

25,000 people have gained access to water day-round close to their homesteads.

15,000 children have gained access to water at schools.

10,000 people have gained access to water at health posts and public water points. 

1,200 water points installed.

60 local enterprises in charge of installing, repairing and maintaining water infrastructures are active.

200 local artisans and entrepreneurs have improved their technical and entrepreneurial skills.