Online Workshop – Fulfilling the gender quota: Ensuring the participation of more women in training courses

Fulfilling the gender quota

To celebrate the International Women’s Day, the Gender Equality Learning Group of the Sufosec Alliance organised an online workshop on March 8th, on the theme “Fulfilling the gender quota: Ensuring the participation of more women in training courses”.

The event was held in English and Spanish, with simultaneous translation into both languages. In total, 47 people (90% women) from 12 countries participated. The workshop included two presentations, followed by Q&A sessions and a conversation café:

The workshop enabled participants to reflect, share cases, collect experiences and brainstorm on the challenges and solutions to ensure higher levels of participation of women in training courses in general, and especially in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). A visual summary of the outputs of the event is shown in the infographic above.

More info

Sufosec is the Alliance for Sustainable Food Systems and Empowered Communities between six Swiss NGOs: Aqua Alimenta, Fastenaktion, Skat Foundation, Swissaid, Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Suisse, and Vivamos Mejor. The Alliance implements a joint programme 2021-2024 that is co-funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). You can find out more about the Sufosec Alliance here.