The Ministry of Local Government and Housing (MLGH) Zambia and the Water and Resources Management Authority (WARMA) weresupported by the cooperation of UNICEF and Skat Foundation to strengthen capacity in the country with respect to siting, drilling, supervision, procurement and contract management.
This guidance note provides practical guidance for organisations and individuals that are trying to raise the professionalism of groundwater development in Africa.
This is the first consolidated and referenced multicountry study of Water or Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Joint Sector Reviews (JSRs).
This Rapid Assessment Tool provides a series of simple checklists to help decision makers ask the right questions and includes some simple guidance on how to uncover the authenticity and credibility of the companies behind the offer including questions on the technical, financial and contractual conditionalities and on the compatibility of the technology offer with the policy, legal, financial, environmental and social context.