
In cooperation with other institutions or on behalf of partners, government agencies or donors, we document best practices and evidence-based lessons learned through the creation of synthesis knowledge products and publications.
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Guía sobre compostaje y lombricultura
Publication year: 2023
Briefing note, Manual|Handbook, Training|Spanish|Waste management
In Burkina Faso, concerns have been raised regarding the high number of handpump boreholes that have failed, or need to be rehabilitated within a relatively short time of their initial construction.
Publication year: 2019
English|Report, Factsheet|Water
Au Burkina Faso, le nombre élevé de forages équipés d’une pompe àmotricitéhumaine (PMH) qui dysfonctionnent ou qui nécessitent de grosses réparations quelques années seulement après leur construction est alarmant.
Publication year: 2019
French|Report, Factsheet|Water
A Review of a 16-Year Initiative through the Rural Water Supply Network from 2004 to 2020Drilled boreholes are vital to achieving universal, safe drinking water and meeting Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6.1, particularly in Africa.
Publication year: 2020
English|Report, Factsheet|Water
Climate resilient rural WASH encompasses both disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation, providing benefits under current and future climate scenarios and uncertainties.
Publication year: 2021
English|Flyer, Case study|Water
This study documents, for the first time, water well drillers associations in six countries, presenting the issues faced by them in their different country contexts.
Publication year: 2020
English|Flyer, Case study|Water
This study documents, for the first time, water well drillers associations in six countries: Angola, Burkina Faso, Mozambique, Nigeria, Uganda and the United States of America.
Publication year: 2020
English|Flyer, Case study|Water
This Strategy sets the direction of the Rural Water Supply Network (RWSN) for the next six years, with a mid-term review.
Publication year: 2020
English|Report, Factsheet|Water
This report draws together the insights on drilling on groundwater and drilling from 181 participants that were shared on the 2018 and 2019 UNDP Cap-Net/Skat Foundation courses entitled Professional Management of Water Well Drilling Projects and Programmes.
Publication year: 2020
English|Report, Factsheet|Water
The 2019 UNDP Cap-Net/Skat Foundation online course on Professional Management of Water Well Drilling Projects and Programmes enabled 97 participants working for NGOs, the United Nations, governments, private enterprises and academic/training institutions in more than 34 countries to improve their skills and knowledge on: groundwater information and siting; costing and pricing, procurement and contract management ; borehole drilling and supervision and institutional and legal frameworks.
Publication year: 2020
English|Report, Factsheet|Water
“Leave no-one behind in rural water supply” has been this year’s thematic focus for the Rural Water Supply Network (RWSN)
Publication year: 2020
English|Report, Factsheet|Water
SOMAP is the acronym for Sustainable Operation and Maintenance Project for rural water supply in Zambia and it is the strategy that the Government of the Republic of Zambia has adopted to sustain rural water supply.
Publication year: 2020
English|Report, Factsheet|Water
This publication describes over a decade of pioneering efforts by UNICEF, the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo and partners to introduce and professionalise manual drilling.
Publication year: 2020
English|Report, Factsheet|Water
The operation and maintenance (O&M) of public school buildings and WASH infrastructure can be a challenge if not managed well, if resources are insufficient and if the materials used cannot be replaced or repaired easily.
Publication year: 2019
Briefing note, Manual|English|Networks
Writing on behalf of Rural Water Supply Network (RWSN), Justine Haag and Marian Ryan, of Water Integrity Network, examine how preventing corruption in the professional borehole drilling can pave the way to sustainable infrastructure.
Publication year: 2019
|Ce document présente l'étude de terrain effectuée en février/mars 2017 sur le secteur du forage au Burkina Faso.
Publication year: 2019
French|Report, Factsheet|Water
This document presents the field study undertaken in february/march 2017 on the drilling sector in Burkina Faso. This work has been conducted as part of the Project Cooperation Agreement (PCA) 2015-2017 established between UNICEF and the Skat Foundation called: Striving for Professionalism in Cost-Effective Boreholes (SPICE) – Phase IV.
Publication year: 2019
English|Flyer, Case study|Report, Factsheet|Water
This report is a review of the Northern Bahr el Ghazal (NBEG) Framework and Implementation Programme for Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of Rural Water Supplies (MWCRD, 2013).
Publication year: 2015
English|Report, Factsheet|Water
Northern Bahr el Ghazal faces a major challenge to ensure sustainable water services to rural and urban communities. In the past Unicef’s regular supply of spare parts helped to keep the number of broken down hand pumps to a relatively low level (officially around 10%).
Publication year: 2013
English|Handbook, Training|Water
This Framework & Handbook for the Operation and Maintenance of Rural Water Supply Services has been developed by the state Ministry in collaboration with agencies supporting WASH activities in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state. Its development was supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
Publication year: 2015
English|Handbook, Training|Water
A Short Course on Drilling Supervision took place in Zambia in July 2018 as part of the Project Collaboration Agreement (PCA) 2017-2019 between UNICEF and Skat Foundation. The learning objectives of the training course were that by the end of the course, the participants would.
Publication year: 2018
English|Report, Factsheet|Water
Borehole Drilling – Planning, Contracting & Management: A UNICEF Toolkit has been developed to bring uniformity to practices and to guide UNICEF staff involved in borehole procurement and the supply of equipment, as well as contracting consultancy services for borehole siting and supervision.
Publication year: 2018
Course material|English|Handbook, Training|Water
Ce document présente l'étude de terrain effectuée en février/mars 2017 sur le secteur du forage au Burkina Faso.
Publication year: 2018
Flyer, Case study|French|Water
This document reports on the online course on professional management of water well drilling projects and programmes that took place in early 2018 as part of the Project Collaboration Agreement (PCA) 2017-2019 between UNICEF and Skat Foundation.
Publication year: 2018
Course material|English|Report, Factsheet|Water
Elle donne des conseils pratiques pour améliorer le professionnalisme des forages mécaniques et manuels, et la réhabilitation des forages en Afrique à travers des actions pratiques et stratégiques.
Publication year: 2018
Briefing note, Manual|French|Report, Factsheet|Water
As part of the cooperation agreement between UNICEF and Skat Foundation on Professional Borehole Drilling Management, a five day training workshop on ‘Understanding groundwater, cost effective boreholes, procurement, contract management and costing and pricing of boreholes’ was conducted by Skat Foundation on behalf of the Ministry of Energy and Water, Angola, between the 20th and 24th November, 2017.
Publication year: 2017
English|Report, Factsheet|Water
Kerstin Danert wants to raise capacity for borehole drilling and its management globally. Read her recently published article in GeoDrilling International here.
Publication year: 2017
|The Ministry of Local Government and Housing (MLGH) Zambia and the Water and Resources Management Authority (WARMA) weresupported by the cooperation of UNICEF and Skat Foundation to strengthen capacity in the country with respect to siting, drilling, supervision, procurement and contract management.
Publication year: 2016
English|Report, Factsheet|Water
This guidance note provides practical guidance for organisations and individuals that are trying to raise the professionalism of groundwater development in Africa.
Publication year: 2016
English|Report, Factsheet|Water
In the last decade there has been a marked shift towards decentralisation in many developing countries as responsibilities are passed from national administrations to local authorities.
Publication year: 2003
English|Report, Factsheet|Water
The recent history of water supply and sanitation projects in developing countries offers many varied examples of approaches assumptions, beliefs and patterns - otherwise called paradigms - regarding initiation, decision-making, design criteria, financing , and the management of operation and maintenance.
Publication year: 2002
English|Report, Factsheet|Water
This report describes an AGUASAN workshop that was conducted in response to prevailing concerns about how the millennium development goals can be honoured in practice.
Publication year: 2004
English|Report, Factsheet|Water
This publication examines people, politics and the environment and their relation to drinking water supplies in rural areas.
Publication year: 2012
English|Report, Factsheet|Water
This publication helps you to navigate the information out there on rural water supplies. It is for stakeholders who are new to rural water supplies, as well as others who are already knowledgeable of the topic, but would like a comprehensive overview of current information sources.
Publication year: 2012
English|Report, Factsheet|Water
This is the first consolidated and referenced multicountry study of Water or Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Joint Sector Reviews (JSRs).
Publication year: 2016
English|Flyer, Case study|Water
This Rapid Assessment Tool provides a series of simple checklists to help decision makers ask the right questions and includes some simple guidance on how to uncover the authenticity and credibility of the companies behind the offer including questions on the technical, financial and contractual conditionalities and on the compatibility of the technology offer with the policy, legal, financial, environmental and social context.
Publication year: 2016
Briefing note, Manual|Course material|English|Waste management
This is a hands-on guide for setting up, structuring, managing, monitoring and evaluating networks efficiently and effectively.
Publication year: 2015
English|Handbook, Training|Networks
The Helvetas Publication no 2 describes a methodology to improve the quality of education and training in international co-operation.
Publication year: 2001
English|Handbook, Training|Networks
The Helvetas publication no. 3 describes the main characteristics of a basic market study as well as the methodology of a Rapid Market Appraisal (RMA).
Publication year: 2002
Briefing note, Manual|English|Networks
How important is solid waste management?
Clearly it important to keep our streets clean and to get rid of unpleasant waste.
Publication year: 2007
English|Handbook, Training|Waste management
This booklet is the second in series published by the CWG (the Collaborative Working Group on Solid Waste Managementin Low- and Middle-income Countries).
English|Handbook, Training|Waste management
This guide is intended for pesters and network participants, as well as those still looking to establish a network. However, network management professionals should also find interesting tips in this post.
Publication year: 2007
Briefing note, Manual|Course material|Handbook, Training|Networks|Portuguese
Esta guía está destinada a especialistas en redes, así como a otros profesionales que deseen constituir o formar una red.
Publication year: 2007
Briefing note, Manual|Course material|Handbook, Training|Networks|Spanish
Le guide s’adresse aux praticiens du réseautage, ainsi qu’à d'autres professionnels voulant mettre en place un réseau, les praticiens confirmés de réseau y trouveront également quelques conseils pratiques et utiles.
Publication year: 2008
Briefing note, Manual|Course material|French|Handbook, Training|Networks
Despite the rhetoric of bottom-up development, the international development agenda remains dominated by the economic interests and institutional priorities of the North, and supported by knowledge generated through Northern Universities, resource centres and think tanks.
Publication year: 2006
Briefing note, Manual|Course material|English|Handbook, Training|Networks
The report on the participation of decision-makers in networks for knowledge sharing summarises the results of the study.
Publication year: 2005
English|Networks|Report, Factsheet
Information and knowledge are basic prerequisites for the evolution of developing countries in the East and South. Information and knowledge are also important for efficient and effective development coorperation aiming at poverty alleviation.
Publication year: 2004
English|Networks|Report, Factsheet
Knowledge Sharing is THE core activity of international knowledge networks: they store information and knowledge, they validate and document existing experiences and best practoces, they assimilate and disseminate lessons learned, they create new knowledge and they improve access to information and knowledge.
Publication year: 2004
English|Flyer, Case study|Networks
Like most good ideas, basin was conceived out of necessity. There was a need in the building sector for more information on appropriate and cost-efficient building materials and construction technologies in the developing countries, while the flow of knowledge between North and South and within the South was sparse.
Publication year: 2004
English|Networks|Report, Factsheet
The CWG is an informal association of donors, international organisations, NGOs, municipal personnel, experts from NGOs and others with a particular interest in solid waste management in developing countries.
Publication year: 2004
English|Networks|Report, Factsheet|Waste management
The role of RWSN/HTN was originally to maintain momentum built up during the UN International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade (IDWSSD) 1981-1990 concerning improved access to safe drinking water for rural populations in the South.
Publication year: 2004
English|Networks|Report, Factsheet|Water
Welcome to the second edition of Rural Water, the RWSN Directory of rural water supply services, tariffs, management models and lifecycle costs, and the first edition of the RWSN Blue Pages (in English and French).
Publication year: 2021
English|Handbook, Training|Water
Bien que l’UNICEF finance et mette en œuvre des projets de forage dans plusieurs pays et contextes depuis de nombreuses années, il n’existait jusqu’à présent aucune directive officielle au sein de l’organisation ciblant spécifiquement le personnel chargé des programmes et de l’approvisionnement impliqué dans ces projets particulièrement complexes.
Publication year: 2021
French|Handbook, Training|Water
Cette publication illustre plus d'une décennie d'initiatives pionnières de la part de l'UNICEF, du gouvernement de la République démocratique du Congo et d’autres partenaires pour l'introduction et la professionnalisation du secteur du forage manuel.
Publication year: 2020
French|Report, Factsheet|Water
Briefing note on the new book by Sally Sutton and John Butterworth: "Self-Supply: Filling the gaps in public water supply provision."
Publication year: 2021
Briefing note, Manual|English|Water
Note d'information sur le nouveau livre de Sally Sutton et John Butterworth: "Auto-Approvisionnement: Combler les lacunes de l'approvisionnement public en eau."
Publication year: 2021
Briefing note, Manual|French|Water
Nota informativa sobre el nuevo libro de Sally Sutton y John Butterworth: "Autoabastecimento: Llenando los vacíos del suministro público de agua."
Publication year: 2021
Briefing note, Manual|Spanish|Water
The climate crisis and global pandemic have accelerated the urgency of providing safe drinking water services around the world.
Publication year: 2021
English|Report, Factsheet|Water
On many aspects of human development, the gaps between different groups of people continue to widen.
Publication year: 2021
English|Handbook, Training|Water
Countries at all income levels experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks, implemented different measures such as lockdowns to contain the spread of the virus.
Publication year: 2021
English|Report, Factsheet|Water
RWSN comprises more than 13,000 professionals in 168 countries.
Publication year: 2021
English|Networks|Report, Factsheet|Water
This practical guide is the result of a consultation and co-creation process with members of the Rural Water Supply Network (RWSN).
Publication year: 2021
Ce guide pratique est le fruit d'un processus de concertation et de cocréation avec les membres du réseau d’approvisionnement en eau en milieu rural (Rural Water Supply Network, RWSN).
Publication year: 2021
Esta guía práctica es el resultado de un proceso de consulta y de co-creación con miembros de la Red Rural de Abastecimiento de Agua (RWSN).
Publication year: 2021
The Rural Water Supply Network (RWSN) is a vibrant global network of more than 12,000 professionals and more than 80 organisations. Together, we are committed to the vision of a world in which all rural people have access to safe, sustainable and reliable water supplies.
Publication year: 2021
English|Networks|Report, Factsheet|Water
Summary of RWSN's strategic workshop on "Designing a regional presence in Southern Africa (SADC)", which was held on 29 June 2021.
Publication year: 2021
Course material|English|Networks|Water
In rural areas where hand pumps are commonly used, extracting water from ultra-deep boreholes (up to 150 metres) poses a significant problem for communities since this is beyond the design limit of standard hand pumps.
Publication year: 2021
A summary of the findings from a detailed member survey conducted in mid-2020. The survey helped to review how the network is doing and informed the mid-term review of the RWSN Strategy (2018-2023), as well as the RWSN Roadmap.
Publication year: 2020
English|Networks|Report, Factsheet|Water
This report details the activities, outputs and outcomes from the RWSN for January to December 2020.
Audited accounts available on request.
Publication year: 2020
English|Report, Factsheet|Water
The 'Stop the Rot' initiative documents the scale and extent of rapid handpump corrosion and the use of poor-quality handpump components in sub-Saharan Africa and tries to bring about actions to address these problems.
Publication year: 2022
English|Report, Factsheet|Water
The 'Stop the Rot' initiative documents the scale and extent of rapid handpump corrosion and the use of poor-quality handpump components in sub-Saharan Africa and tries to bring about actions to address these problems.
Publication year: 2022
English|Report, Factsheet|Water
The 'Stop the Rot' initiative documents the scale and extent of rapid handpump corrosion and the use of poor-quality handpump components in sub-Saharan Africa and tries to bring about actions to address these problems.
Publication year: 2022
English|Report, Factsheet|Water
Matthias Saladin and Kerstin Danert discuss the topic of 'Groundwater - making the invisible visible', which was the theme of World Water Day, which took place on 22 March 2022.
Publication year: 2022
|Dieser Bericht stellt die Ziele und ersten Ergebnisse von Sufosec, der Schweizer Allianz für nachhaltige Ernährung weltweit, dar.
Publication year: 2022
German|Report, Factsheet
Ce rapport présente les objectifs et les premiers résultats de Sufosec, l’Alliance suisse pour une alimentation durable dans le monde.
Publication year: 2022
French|Report, Factsheet
In order to facilitate the replication of the experience in other communities, this report summarizes the main elements and lessons learned from the pilot phase, developed between February and June 2021 on waste management in Usme, Colombia.
Publication year: 2021
Report, Factsheet|Spanish|Waste management
This document is part of the results of the implementation of the Terraza Verde in Usme, Bogota, Colombia; in its pilot (2021), consolidation and expansion (2022) phases.
Publication year: 2022
Report, Factsheet|Spanish|Waste management
This factsheet was compiled by Matthias Saladin (Skat Foundation), Tara Bartnik (WaterAid), John Butterworth (IRC), Vincent Casey (WaterAid), Kerstin Danert (Ask for Water GmbH), Jenny Grönwall (SIWI), Tim Foster (Sydney University).
Publication year: 2022
English|Report, Factsheet|Water
This technical note highlights the key features of the rope pump, delves into the historical background of its introduction in Nicaragua and briefly highlights the current situation by providing estimates of number of rope pumps in use and their functionality and impact.
Publication year: 2022
English|Report, Factsheet|Water
Uma história de sucesso do abastecimento de água e autoabastecimento de comunidades rurais
Publication year: 2022
Portuguese|Report, Factsheet|Water
Une réussite en matière d'approvisionnement en eau et d'auto-approvisionnement
Publication year: 2022
French|Report, Factsheet|Water
Una historia de éxito del abastecimiento y autoabastecimiento de agua a comunidades rurales
Publication year: 2022
Report, Factsheet|Spanish|Water
El Grupo de Aprendizaje sobre Agroecología de la Alianza Sufosec elaboró un inventario sobre modelos y herramientas de aprendizaje seleccionados para la agroecología que surgieron tras la primera serie de seminarios web organizados por Sufosec sobre la adopción de la agroecología.
Publication year: 2022
Handbook, Training|Networks|Spanish
Le groupe d'apprentissage sur l'agroécologie de l'Alliance Sufosec a dressé un inventaire des modèles et outils d'apprentissage sélectionnés pour l'agroécologie qui ont émergé après la première série de webinaires organisés par Sufosec sur l'adoption de l'agroécologie.
Publication year: 2022
French|Handbook, Training|Networks
Esta nota informativa resume la investigación sobre cómo se contrata a los jóvenes y cómo se desarrollan sus carreras en los servicios de abastecimiento de agua y saneamiento (SAS).
Publication year: 2023
Briefing note, Manual|Spanish|Water
Cette note d'information est le résumé de recherches menées sur la façon dont les jeunes sont recrutés et leur carrière évolue dans les services d'approvisionnement en eau et d'assainissement (EAH).
Publication year: 2023
Briefing note, Manual|French|Water
Esta nota informativa resume a pesquisa sobre como os jovens são recrutados e como as suas carreiras são desenvolvidas nos serviços de abastecimento de água e saneamento (A&S).
Publication year: 2023
Briefing note, Manual|Portuguese|Water
As part of a joint learning journey of the agroecological learning group of the Sufosec Alliance, in November 2021, over 100 participants came together in online workshops in three different languages to share their models for learning on agroecological practices.
Publication year: 2022
English|Handbook, Training|Networks
This document sets out RWSN’s governance, roles, responsibilities, and basic rules to ensure that the partnership works smoothly.
Publication year: 2023
English|Networks|Report, Factsheet
This report provides an overview of the activities and achievements of the Rural Water Supply Network (RWSN) in January-December 2022. It reports against the RWSN Strategy 2018 to 2023.
Publication year: 2022
English|Networks|Report, Factsheet|Water
For the second year in a row, RWSN had to adapt its activities to the COVID-19 pandemic, with limited face-to-face event and increased online interactions leading to the year being highly successful overall.
Publication year: 2021
English|Networks|Report, Factsheet|Water
In an on-going effort to improve the quality of the service provided by the Rural Water Supply Network and the Secretariat, and to inform the development of the next RWSN Strategy (2024-2030) an online survey was launched on 25 May 2023 and kept open until 19 June 2023.
Publication year: 2023
English|Report, Factsheet|Water
This study looks at the evolution of rural water supply policies in francophone West Africa and the performance of the delegation of rural water services.
Publication year: 2023
English|Flyer, Case study|Water
This briefing note summarises research into how young people are recruited and how their careers are developed in water supply and sanitation (WSS) services.
The research is part of the first phase of a project called 'Career Pathways Guidance'.
Publication year: 2023
English|Report, Factsheet|Water