Training of Trainers to improve Rural Water Supply in Tanzania

Our Goal
The project aims to enhance the technical and managerial capabilities of Tanzania’s Rural Water Supply Agency (RUWASA), to improve water services for the rural population in Tanzania.
Project Profile
The primary objective of this project is to enhance the capacities of RUWASA in delivering sustainable water supply in rural Tanzania. Since September 2021, the Southern Highlands Participatory Organisation (SHIPO) and Skat Foundation have collaborated to support the staff of RUWASA in planning, designing, maintaining, and managing rural water supply networks. The training courses are structured comprehensively to cover the main areas where workers of the agency lack the necessary technical knowledge.
In addition, SHIPO is working intensively with the state actor to promote the standardisation of internal operations. This will ensure that technicians in one region can be supported by technicians in other regions, with confidence that safety and efficiency measures are being met.
After three years of operation, the project has trained technical personnel and carried out monitoring site visits in 66 districts in 13 of the 25 regions of Tanzania’s mainland where RUWASA is active. All partners involved in the project are strongly committed to covering all regions in the coming years. Increasing the number of external experts supporting the project, both in the form of remote digital support and on-site visits, has been recognised as a key factor for success.
In August 2024, phase IV of the project was initiated. This phase will cover an additional 6 regions of Tanzania, contributing to the overarching goal of training technical personnel from RUWASA in all 26 regions of the country.
Phase I: 2021-2022
Phase II: 2022-2023
Phase III: 2023-2024
Phase IV: 2024-2025
Key Services Provided
Design, implementation, and management of sustainable water supply networks
Capacity strengthening
Training of trainers
Monitoring visits
Karla Schlie, Project Coordinator
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Project achievements
RUWASA staff (46 men, 9 women) trained on the operation and maintenance of rural water supply systems following the national guidelines.
additional colleagues reached by the technicians trained in 2023, who shared their newly acquired knowledge in their local areas.
regions covered, with 9 regions reached in 2022 and 4 additional locations included in the 2023 training edition.
May 2022
community guidelines were approved for nation-wide use.
Development and implementation of knowledge transfer plans.
Strengthening of institutional contracts between RUWASA and the Water Institute, benefiting the sector through enhanced professional training.
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