Rural Water Supply Network

“Leave no-one behind in rural water supply” has been this year’s thematic focus for the Rural Water Supply Network (RWSN)

The SOMAP Experience, Zambia

SOMAP is the acronym for Sustainable Operation and Maintenance Project for rural water supply in Zambia and it is the strategy that the Government of the Republic of Zambia has adopted to sustain rural water supply.

Good practice for borehole drilling in Burkina Faso

This document presents the field study undertaken in february/march 2017 on the drilling sector in Burkina Faso. This work has been conducted as part of the Project Cooperation Agreement (PCA) 2015-2017 established between UNICEF and the Skat Foundation called: Striving for Professionalism in Cost-Effective Boreholes (SPICE) – Phase IV.